
Umbria - Treasures to Discover

8 days, 3-4 concerts

giorno 1

Departure for Umbria (in coach from Perugia or Florence airport / railway station).

Check-in in your hotel or countryside resort.

giorno 2

Excursion to Orvieto, visit to the magnificent Cathedral, Etruscan remains and undergound city (cisterns, caves, passages...).

giorno 3

General rehearsal in hotel (if necessary).

Excursion to Todi, visit to the Piazza del Popolo surrounded by the Cathedral, City Hall and Art Gallery.

Possible concert in a Todi church.

giorno 4

Check-out and departure for Spoleto, a city known for its Romanesque cathedral and its great "Festival dei due mondi - Two Worlds Festival".

Go on towards Spello, a maze of little streets full of good restaurants and olive oil producers.

Leave for Perugia and check-in in a hotel located at the entrance of the pedestrian area.

giorno 5

Free morning in Perugia to stroll on the pedestrian street "Corso Vannucci" with its palaces, fountains, squares, shops and cafes.

Afternoon excursion to Assisi, an international pilgrimage city, with its world-renown St Francis' and St Claire' Basilicas.

Possible concert in Assisi.

giorno 6

Excursion to Arezzo, an underrated shrine that houses treasures such as an entire fresco cycle by Piero della Francesca and a lovely square surrounded by antique shops.

On your way back stop in Umbertide for a possible concert in a church. 

giorno 7

Excursion to Gubbio, a charming province town with fascinating palaces, squares and churches.

Back to Perugia in the afternoon and free time before the last concert of the tour in a church or in the cathedral's cloister.

Festive night on the Corso Vannucci.

giorno 8

Check-out and departure.

N.B. In case you opt for an artistic residence, the visit programme will be reduced to leave time for rehearsals, and the concerts (maximum 2) will be concentrated at the end of the week.

  • Suitable for:
    orchestras, choirs, bands, especially for artistic residences
  • Period of the year:
    ideal from Easter to October
  • Concerts:
    Perugia, Assisi, Umbertide and/or Todi (for instance)
  • Budget range: